Monday, May 1, 2017

Interview Questions and Reflection

1. What is your definition of Alzheimer's?

2. What do you believe the causes of Alzheimer's are?

3. At what age do you believe Alzheimer's occurs?

4. What are the symptoms of Alzheimer's?

5. Do you believe certain races attain Alzheimer's more than others?

6. What is the treatment for Alzheimer's?

7. What was mama Tona's follow up? (great grandmother)

8. How did you feel after finding out that mama Tona was diagnosed with Alzheimer's?

9. What did you do to cope and me patient?

10. How do you think we can address this to children?

Interview Reflection:
The interview definitely was a success, each question was answered with the information I needed. I picked these questions because it specified on the disease, meaning it went into detail of each person' perspective on it, their own meaning on it. I loved that they shared on the spot feelings because they are going through this and it's difficult to have a grandmother that has raised everyone and was full of energy to one who can barley speak. The family members in the interview is Baldemar Peralta ( uncle), Alba Hawley ( grandmother), and Eli Hawley ( Grandfather). Each one of them have helped me formulate this project to a  better understanding for myself and how I can distribute this information.

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