Wednesday, May 3, 2017

                           My project is going to be about Alzheimer's disease hitting a loved one or someone close to you but most importantly, being able to explain this to children. Some ideas I speculated was to make a children's book or recording children as I asked them their opinion in Alzheimer's, however none of these ideas seem to give the kids the full acknowledgement of what exactly Alzheimer's is and the "how to's" about it. I want for the kids to completely captivate the full comprehension on the disease and coping with it. So I came up with the idea of creating a short animation clip with a story line on how the child's grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and the child being able to deal with it, without excluding the grandmother because of her disease. This idea was inspired by Disney, when they make their short animation films addressing a bigger purpose allowing te children to better understand it because the ideas are more broken down into cartoons and a simple short story. The idea relates to my life because i was in the position of not understanding how my great grandmother's disease worked, I would be afraid of acting normal because I thought it would affect her, which wasn't the case at all. They need love and support at all moments.
                         What I'm really enjoying overall about the project besides completing it, is the fact that I am able to spend more time with my Great Grandmother and understanding her disease in the process. The biggest success about the project after spending so much time with someone who is diagnosed you start to realize that even though they are losing their memory, they are closer to you than they have ever been before; and that's how the children will come to understand this disease.  I can say that one of the biggest hurdles I had to overcome during the resaearch was time management and getting myself to understand Alzheimer's, this disease isn't easy, I found it intimating to spend time with my great grandmother and that's not what I want children to feel, I don't want them feeling like they are going to say or do something wrong when you just want to be there for them. Configuring how to break this down to children was also the complicated part.
                        I went through many times of readjusting my project on a grand scale. There was a lot of instances where I completely wanted to switch the project  into someonthing else or another topic. Not only was it hard to figure out how to formulate a plan to a child's perspective, it was the fact that I wanted to make an animation video like Disney did. I have never been an expert with technology, especially making videos and that's where I freaked out, how am I going to put all this information on a video I can't even make? I would ask my parents with help with this and they didn't know how to compile a video how I wanted. One of the ways was to draw the animation and take multiple pictures putting them all together to make a movie, which complicated the whole thing even more. However, I stuck with it because this project means a lot, I feel like I'm dedicating something to my great grandmother.
                      The weaknesses found in my project is my explanation on  such a delicate topic to children, I didn't want it to sound dry and careless where they are shocked. The biggest weakness right now is that I don't have my animation video still and I don't think I will because I did not plan accordingly to make it. Since I'm no longer relying on the video to be my success on addressing this disease I'm relying on what is the process, which is me informing cholsren how I worked on how I would explain Alzheimer's to them which sounds crazy, but I'll make I work. The most important thing I learned besides Alzheimer's is how important family is at all times and to never exclude them, because if family is true you will always be there no matter how difficult the situation gets.
                       If I were assigned this project again I would change my topic from Alzheimer's disease  to the importance of family. My goal for the new topic would be to always put your family first under every circumstance. The advice I give to the upcoming seniors doing this project is to be really sure of what topic you want to choose and that you are well informed about it! And also to have a product figured out because it'll make the goal more valuable.

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