Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Reflection #4

I am very excited about making my personal short clip, however I did not think twice about my product. I have no idea how I will be creating it, I know nothing about animation films or how they are put together! I had an Idea of how I could possibly do it, I used this method for an assignment I had in Spanish. I draw the pictures on a paper and take a picture of every one of them and put them together kind of like a slide show. For Spanish I previously used snap chat just because I am able to make the videos faster and more cartoony. The problem is that I recall from that video that the quality is not so great and that is something that kept bothering me. If I am going to make a short animation skill, I want to have good quality. Not necessarily make it look perfect like Disney's are but I want it to look good, senior project material.

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